WORK/LAND/scape - Sasbach Future Works
The majority of Germany's land area is rural. Baden-Würtemberg is in a particularly good socioeconomic position. Statistically, the main factors here are a good domestic product, a high proportion of "hidden champions" and a robust development in employee numbers as well as company sales. The pandemic is accelerating the question of ways of living and working. The potential for implementing a circular mindset must strengthen anchored competencies to give the space a new backbone. Especially in the secondary sector, reserves and resources can be promoted in cascades at the highest possible level. The region is understood as a dynamic network. The mission statement makes three key statements:
1. Strengthen economic cycles regionally and enter into new symbioses, for a progressive way of working.
2. Restaging rural workplaces and landscapes, to promote competitiveness.
3. New offers of the rural way of life strengthen the local identity and offer identification.
A changed understanding of agglomeration areas including its economic power emerges. Smaller radii of movement change the dynamics of work and residence, and thus of workers and residents, leading to a new relationship of work-life blending. The "Sasbach Future Works" design thus presents a solution for rural areas. Evaluating the scale levels shows how economic competences can be strengthened and expanded locally. Only by providing a high quality of life and allowing people to benefit from the landscape can the works take on and expand its pioneering role in the countryside. And that across any landscape zone - as WORK/LAND/scape.