New Edition of Metropol.x out now!
New Edition of Metropol.x out now!

The results of the seminar Metropol.x_Brussels present different facets of the Belgium capital. Causes and symptoms of segregation in Molenbeek, the importance of the Expo on the transportation infrastructure and the food culture are only some of the various topics that are discussed in individual maps, elaborated by the students. The booklet is available at the chair.

MetropolX_Lviv Cover
Metropol.X: Lviv

This publication is the result of a seminar, which took place in the "Remote Lab of Urban Planning“, elaborated by students of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. It focuses on different facets of Lviv, Ukraine, in times of crisis. Now available at our chair during opening hours!

Large Housing Estates Titel
Coming soon ...

Large Housing Estates under socialism 

Metropol.X: Kyiv

The booklet is the result of a seminar, which took place in the "Remote Lab of Urban Planning“, elaborated by students of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. It focuses on different facets of the Ukrainian capital in times of crisis. Now available at our chair during opening hours!

Metropol. X Tel Aviv
Metropol. X Tel Aviv

Tel Avis’s development presents a multifaceted story: This booklet examines the different urban layers of the city and the way they reflect the social, cultural, and economic structure of Israeli society in one of the most expensive cities to live in.

Now available at our institute!

Metropol.X: Daegu

Daegu ist nach nach Seoul, Incheon und Busan die viertgrößte Stadt Südkoreas. Sie liegt im Südosten des Landes und hat über 2,5 Millionen Einwohner. Dageu wurde historisch als „Apple City“ oder „Textile City“ bezeichnet ...

Metropol X Beirut Cover
Metropol.X: Beriut

Beirut, 5000-year-old layered city, had been built, rebuilt, and redefined over the centuries by the flow of goods, people and ideas. In 1920, Beirut became the capital of Greater Lebanon under French mandate, and in 1943, that of the independent Lebanese Republic. Nicknamed “Paris of the East”, the Lebanese capital was prosperous and glamourous, it centralized the country’s growth, wealth, and decision-making. However, in 1975 a 15-years-long civil war came to interrupt this upward path causing widespread damage and destruction, still visible in various neighborhoods. Post-conflict governance, local and national, was plagued with widespread corruption, clientelism, and a culture of impunity, and thus, policy-making failed at providing long-term sustainable solutions and services. In face of ongoing adversities, the Lebanese people had grown a thick skin and developed a high level of adaptability. However, in 2019 people were conquering the streets in an unprecedented manner to protest against corruption and to call for accounta- bility and reforms in the hope for a brighter future.

In this atlas students reflect on various topics and debates, such as the trash crisis, the refugee areas, the privatization of the coastline, and much more – doing so, a diverse and specific picture of this unique city is presented.

Ressource Parkplatz
Ressource Parkplatz

Experten gehen davon aus, dass ab 2030 das vollautomatisierte Fahren in Städten greift, was sich auch auf die Gestaltung und Nutzung unserer Stadträume auswirken wird.
Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes „Profilregion Mobilitätssysteme Karlsruhe“ wurden ...

Mass Housing in the Socialist Cities

Mass housing in Germany, Russia, and Ukraine represents an enormous volume of housing today and therefore a huge resource for the future development of cities. But transformation of these prefabricated districts from the 1960s and 1970s is needed due to the functional, ...

Metropol.X: Odessa

Documentation MA Seminar WS 2018/2019
Large settlements from the 1960s and 70s pose both more qualities and problems than apparent on first eyesight. The political and economic system, the state socialism, had a huge impact on the appearance, structure and urban and spatial qualities. ...

Metropol.X: Odessa

Documentation BA + MA Seminar WS 2018/2019
Odessa, with over one million inhabitants, is one of the most prominent cities of the Ukraine. Directly located at the north west coast of the Black Sea it is the main administrative, cultural and trade centre of the Odessa Oblast and has been a multiethnic city since its foundation. ...

Metropol.X: Cairo

Documentation BA + MA Seminar WS 2017/18

In 2019, the city of Cairo will be 1050 years old. Since its establishment in 969, as the ruling Capital of Egypt, Cairo has been growing and expanding over the years. It is a large metropolis that has been shaped, through the course of history, by a succession of civilizations.

Metropol.x_TehranKarlsruhe Institute of Technology Department of Architecture Chair of International Urban Design
Metropol.x: Tehran

Documentation BA + MA Seminar WS 2016/17

ehran, the capital and the most populous city of Iran—and the country’s political and economic center—lies at the foot of the Elburz mountain range. As Iran’s most secular and liberal city, it experiences never-ending growth, which gives rise to distinct phenomena. This booklet presents the outcomes of a seminar at KIT.

metropol_x_st-petersburg_newsKarlsruhe Institute of Technology Department of Architecture Chair of International Urban Design
Metropol.X: St. Petersburg

Documentation BA + MA Seminar WS 2015/2016


Since its foundation few over 300 years ago, Saint Petersburg has had a tremendous influence on the political, economic
and cultural development of Russia. Until today, not only Russians have an idiosyncratic relationship to the city created by force as the so-called “window to the West”. For Europeans, Saint Petersburg is the city where the European Baroque and Classicism converge with the Russian weather and proportions.

metropol-x_new-townsInstitut Entwerfen von Stadt und Landschaft, Fachgebiet Stadtquartiersplanung, KIT
Metropol.X: New Towns

Dokumentation BA5 Seminar WS 2014/2015

Als mitteleuropäischer Stadtplaner sieht man sich eher selten Phänomenen wie den hier so treffend analysierten „New Towns“ ausgesetzt. Um so interessanter ist die Annäherung an dieses Kuriosum, stellt es doch eine Realität dar, die faszinierender kaum sein könnte: die Raum gewordenen Gesellschaftsutopie.
