


Niku Khaleghi

- Title:  Human-Oriented Urban Public Spaces Design with the Concern of Public Life Improvement in Historic Core of Tehran
- since October 2018

Quixin Li
- Title: Forschung über neue ländliche, regional angepasste Gestaltung in der Provinz Shandong im Rahmen der ländlichen Revitalisierungsstrategie Chinas
- since June 2019

Reza Nejadi-Salami
- Title: Walkability in urban housing environments of modern Tehran
- since February 2014​

Nikolas Rogge
- Title: Morphologische Transformationen öffentlicher Räume der ostdeutschen Großwohnsiedlungen der 1960er, 1970er und 1980er Jahre
- since Feb 2019

Iman Baratvakili
- Title: Exploring the strategies in transportation infrastructure through urban planning to prevent cyber-attacks. A case study in Berlin.
- since June 2020

Hee Jae Lee
- Title: Korean Models of Micro-living and Urban Sharing Space
- since May 2022

Muhamet Spahiu
- Title: Urban Transformation in Pristina after the war, 1999–2022
- since July 2022

Ekaterina Gladkova
- Title: Spatial Transformation of Open Spaces in Mass housing districts in Russia and Uzbekistan on Examples of prefabricated settlements of the 1960-80s in Irkutsk and Tashkent
- since March 2023

Marina Sapunova
- Title: Property, Power and Planning in Urban Renewal
Policies and Practices for Modern Heritage: between heritage-led and private-led transformation
- since March 2023




Anastasia Malko
- Title: Stadterneuerung als Mittel der Bewahrung und Weiterentwicklung historischer Stadtzentren. Strategien, Methoden und Instrumente der deutschen Praxis am Beispiel von Dresden und ihre Übertragbarkeit auf Irkutsk
- First Supervisor: Prof. Thomas Will, Technische Universität Dresden
- Exam: 08. Mai 2017

Muhammad Eldaidamony
- Title: Introducing a New Methodology to Deal with Gentrification in Urban Neighborhoods. Case Study of Fatmid Cairo and Heliopoli
- Second Reviewer: Prof. Abeer Mohamed Elshater
- Exam: 17.09.2020

Mohammed Emara
Title: An analytical investigation to the role of urban parks as a medium for cultural expression

Iuliia Frantseva
Titel: Strategies for revitalization in mass housing areas in post-soviet Ukraine