About us

Urban development in different social and spatial contexts represents a major challenge - whether in municipal planning practice or in research and teaching at universities. It is not only due to global urbanization trends that cities today find themselves in international contexts and must develop a culture of global responsibility. The world's cities offer an extensive portfolio of differing problems and solutions that need to be explored, examined and evaluated.


Prishtina, Master Studio Presentation
Final Presentation MA Urban Design Studio, Prishtina: Transform to Resilience

The final presentation on February 20, 2025, marked the end of an intense and insightful semester. The students presented their final designs, showcasing the diversity of their approaches to the complex challenges of the transformation of Matiçan. A particularly enriching aspect was the participation of guest professors Sharif Kahatt and Meti Spahiu. Sharif Kahatt, an architect and professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, contributed his expertise in sustainable urban development. Meti Spahiu, an experienced urban planner from Kosovo, enriched the discussions with valuable insights into local transformation processes.

Kick-off Meeting of the Second Phase of Cities.Building.Culture

On February 14th, the kick-off meeting for the second phase of the Cities.Building.Culture project took place in Karlsruhe. We were delighted to welcome colleagues from GWZO Leipzig and RWTH Aachen, as well as a special guest lecturer, Prof. Thomas Will.

Under the title “The Residential Built Heritage of the Soviet Union in Times of Multiple Crises,” the research consortium will continue its work for another three years. The meeting concluded with a walk through the transformed Alter Schlachthof area in Karlsruhe.

More about the project: https://cities-building-culture.com

SAVE THE DATE! Urban Transformation – Connecting Urban Sustainablity Labs

The conference will take place in Karlsruhe from October 15-17th, 2025, as part of the 200th anniversary celebrations of the KIT and the Science Week "City of the Future", is aimed at both academics and practitioners. If you are interested, please submit your abstract by February 17th.

Metropol.X: Kharkiv

The results of the seminar Metropol.x_Kharkiv present different facets of the Ukrainian city, right at the border with Russia. It is the second-largest city in Ukraine with a population of about two million, before Russia´s war of aggression broke out. As one of the most important scientific, industrial, trade, and transportation centers of Ukraine, Kharkiv has played a significant role in the nation’s history. The booklet is available at the chair.

Sharif VortragSharif S. Kahatt
Collective Housing as social Infrastructure. The architecture of neighborhood units in Lima

Guest Lecture: Sharif S. Kahatt

Thursday, January 23, 17:30 at “Grüne Grotte”, KIT, Fakultät für Architektur, Englerstr. 7, Karlsruhe, Professur Bau- und Architekturgeschichte / Professur Internationaler Städtebau.


Season's Greetings & Happy New Year!

Stegreif - Weniger und Mehr! 18.12.24 - 13.01.25

Um Emissionen zu reduzieren und Ressourcen zu schonen, ist es erforderlich, Stadtplanung an der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie der Suffizienz auszurichten und zu überlegen, wie weniger genug sein kann. Einfachheit und Verzicht müssen dabei keineswegs eine ärmere Gestaltung oder weniger qualitätvolle Stadträume bedeuten, sondern bieten Potenzial für lebenswerte und alltagstaugliche Quartiere. Im Rahmen des Stegreifs soll ein städtebauliches Konzept für ein nutzungsgemischtes Quartier mit hochwertigen Freiräumen erarbeitet werden.

Opening Exhibition Studio Freiburg December 13th at Architekturforum Freiburg

What does the future of Freiburg‘s city center look like? How can it be better connected with the neighboring urban spaces - spatially and functionally? What measures can be taken to adapt the city center to the climate transition? Students from the Chair of International Urban Planning and Design and the Institute of Transportation addressed these questions in the summer semester 2024. In cooperation with the city of Freiburg, they developed forward-looking and experimental design approaches with new programmatic and traffic planning perspectives.

Basler Thesen
Basel Theses published!


How can we make better use of universities as resources for a transformative planning culture?

This was the subject of discussions at a conference in Basel this spring, as part and continuation of the 8th University Day - the result is the publication of the Basel Theses, which set out approaches for teaching and research. The print version is now available at the Chair.

Trilateral Urban Design Workshop in Prishtina

The master students of the design studio Transform for Resilience: Civic Infrastructure in Matiçan, Prishtina, are currently participating in an urban design workshop in Kosovo with students from Prishtina and Odessa. During the intense one-week workshop and excursion, they will conduct on-site analysis and work on preliminary design concepts for the district Matiçan, which has been undergoing rapid and uncontrolled development in the last 15 years.

Study Award for Malik Al Bosta


Malik Al Bosta received a grant from the Ruth and Erich Rossmann Foundation for his master's thesis “Informal Urbanism,” which he completed in SS 2023. The prize supports outstanding graduates for further study or participation in a workshop abroad. Malik will attend a summer school at the AA School of Architecture, UK. We warmly congratulate!

  Echoes of Soviet Urbanism
Echoes of Soviet Urbanism. Exploring Modernist Narratives

The book presents 13 ‚district stories’ from seven post-Soviet countries, written by experts from a variety of disciplines, including architecture, urban and regional planning, public policy and social sciences, and human geography. The authors take a critical look at various aspects and discuss the housing heritage from different perspectives. They present observations of spatial, social, and functional transformations as well as of the formal and informal frameworks, planning strategies, and concepts that lie behind the physical development.

Welcome to the new fall semester 24/25!

As of today, the courses for the upcoming semester are online. Here, you can view the scheduled events and find the link to the corresponding ILIAS course. We are looking forward to meeting you at the one or other class and wish you a good start in the new academic year!

Modern Housing Postwar – Cities of Tomorrow?

On the occasion of “60 years of Halle-Neustadt,” an ETOM NEB Lab Milestone-Conference in the framework of the “New European Bauhaus” with a focus on Modern Housing postwar in Central Europe took place in Halle on October 14/15. The chair ISTB contributed wiht a report, presenting nsights from its currently running living lab in Tbilisi.

Residential Heritage: Soviet Morphotypes and Typologies

From October 8th to November 12th, the exhibition “Residential Heritage: Soviet Morphotypes and Typologies” can be seen at BHROX bauhaus reuse, Ernst-Reuter-Platz in Berlin. The exhibition, which was developed as part of the research project “cities.building.culture”, shows the Soviet residential heritage in its various urban and typological forms – from 12 districts in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

Ukrain_digital_24Babentsova, Verbovetska
Transformative Cities Fall 2024 – Remote Lab of Urban Planning

We are welcoming our new partners at the Remote Lab of Urban Planning – the National Aviation University, Lviv National Polytechnic University, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv! The project, funded by DAAD, was launched in 2022 as cooperation between Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. This online lab offers students from Ukraine a unique educational experience – in the upcoming fall semester with a focus on urban resilience and urban transformation in Eastern Europe.

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Final presentation studio context
Studio Context : Final presentation

Congratulations on the successful presentation of the BA 4 Studio Context. Our thanks for the support as guest critic go to SaeBom Song, who enriched the discussion with interesting perspectives. The students‘ projects offer innovative design concepts to three sites in Heilbronn dealing with the challenges of planning within existing urban textures.

Bild VL BA4
Panel discussion 10th of July

As part of the lecture "Reading the city. Shaping the city", guests were invited to a round table discussion at the end of the semester. Nadine Georgi from Planschmiede Hansert & Partner, Markus Kaltenbach from berchtoldkrass space & options and Felix Maier from the Regionalverband Mittlerer Oberrhein discussed the current challenges in urban planning. They provided valuable insights into everyday planning from very different perspectives - thank you very much!

Soviet Barbara Engel
Soviet Heritage in Times of Multiple Crises

We are happy and proud to announce that our application “cities. building. culture. The Residential Heritage of the Soviet Union in Times of Multiple Crises” was accepted by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research! Together with GVZO Leipzig and RWTH Aachen University and our international partners we will develop approaches for a resilient, sustainable urban development in Ukraine, the Caucasus and the Baltic States – from October 2024 onwards for the duration of 3 years.

DASLPS Schmidt
Executive Board of DASL in Karlsruhe

The executive board of the German Academy for Urban Development and Regional Planning (DASL) met  in Karlsruhe on June 14th and 15th. The agenda included the exchange of information about the activities of the local groups and institutes as well as discussion of the further development of the DASL, including scientific orientation and internationalization. The meeting was rounded off with a walk around the city of Karlsruhe.

New Edition of Metropol.x out now!
Metropol.X: Brussels

The results of the seminar Metropol.x_Brussels present different facets of the Belgium capital. Causes and symptoms of segregation in Molenbeek, the importance of the Expo on the transportation infrastructure and the food culture are only some of the various topics that are discussed in individual maps, elaborated by the students. The booklet is available at the chair.

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Poster Living Lab `The Green Superblock´
Living Lab ‚The Green Superblock‘ opens in Tbilisi

On May 25th our Living Lab will open in Tbilisi. Together with our partners, Ilia State University from Tbilisi and Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture we will establish an experimental dialogue in order to discuss the possibilities how to improve the living environment in the neighborhood of the Vazha-Pshavela Block VI.

For more information visit www.greensuperblock.com

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Website under construction

Over the next couple of weeks you will see some changes around the website as we are rearranging our content. While we are trying to make those changes unnoticeable in the backend, we want to apologize in advance if you have trouble finding what you are looking for. Thank you for your patience!

Studierende diskutieren vor Postern die Ergebnisse der Seminarwoche
Seminarwoche: "Critical Mapping Karlsruhe"

During the seminar week, special places in Karlsruhe were tracked down, their intrinsic logics perceived, researched and noted, and spatial, political, ephemeral, sometimes invisible phenomena highlighted. On daily field trips to different parts of the city we discovered the various characteristics and translated them into subjective mappings of the city while simultaneously discovering the cities built history. 

Course program summer semester 2024 now online!

The courses for the upcoming semester are online as of today. Here you can view the scheduled events and find the link to the corresponding Ilias course content.

Foto Semesterstart
Welcome to the summer semester 2024!

Welcome to the start of the summer semester 2024. We wish all students a good start to the new semester and look forward to your designs, new impulses and ideas as well as an exciting exchange with you!

Walkability in Tehran
Walkability in Tehran – Oral Exam of Doctoral Thesis

On June 6th Niku Khaleghi has very successfully presented her doctoral thesis „Assessing the Walkability of Tehran Organic Street Network Based on the Networks Form“. The dissertation evaluates the diverse street patterns in the Iranian capital with regard to the cultural, spatial and geographical conditions specific characteristics that significantly influence walkability. The research addresses a worldwide relevant topic as important prerequisite for sustainable urban development, which in the context of Iran and many other cities in the Middle East still is in the shadow of the scientific debate and planning policies. Congratulations, Dr. Khaleghi!

MetropolX_Lviv Cover
Metropol.X: Lviv

This publication is the result of a seminar, which took place in the "Remote Lab of Urban Planning“, elaborated by students of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. It focuses on different facets of Lviv, Ukraine, in times of crisis. Now available at our chair during opening hours!

Large Housing Estates Titel
Large Housing Estates under Socialism

The book „Large Housing Estates under Socialism“ by Barbara Engel and Nikolas Rogge is now available via open access. Harnessing large urban housing estates in former socialist countries as a resource for the future housing supply requires innovative and practicable strategies and concepts. The contributors present experiences and perspectives from different disciplines on sustainable development of mass housing districts, both in academia and practice.

Find it here
Metropol.X: Kyiv

The booklet is the result of a seminar, which took place in the "Remote Lab of Urban Planning“, elaborated by students of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. It focuses on different facets of the Ukrainian capital in times of crisis. Now available at our chair during opening hours!