This is ISTB

Urban design and development in different societal and spacial contexts is a great challenge. It is not only relevant in the practice of urban planning, but also in research as well as education at universities. With global urbanisation, cities today need to be seen in an international context. It is essential to understand global coherence and responsibilities.The cities around the world offer an extensive portfolio of differentiating problems and solutions that ought to be explored, investigated and evaluated.

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Stegreif-Poster Sommersemester 2024
Stegreif Sommersemester 24

On July 8th we will present this semesters Stegreif! Click the link below to sign up via Ilias.

Soviet Barbara Engel
Soviet Heritage in Times of Multiple Crises

We are happy and proud to announce that our application “cities. building. culture. The Residential Heritage of the Soviet Union in Times of Multiple Crises” was accepted by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research! Together with GVZO Leipzig and RWTH Aachen University and our international partners we will develop approaches for a resilient, sustainable urban development in Ukraine, the Caucasus and the Baltic States – from October 2024 onwards for the duration of 3 years.

Second Review Studio Context

On June 18th, the second mid-term presentation of the urban design studio „Context“ in Heilbronn took place. The students displayed their conceptual approaches, discussed the suggested goals, and presented their first design ideas. We are grateful to our guest reviewer, landscape architect Jan Dieterle, for his valuable critiques and are looking forward to seeing the studio's final results. 

DASLPS Schmidt
Executive Board of DASL in Karlsruhe

The executive board of the German Academy for Urban Development and Regional Planning (DASL) met  in Karlsruhe on June 14th and 15th. The agenda included the exchange of information about the activities of the local groups and institutes as well as discussion of the further development of the DASL, including scientific orientation and internationalization. The meeting was rounded off with a walk around the city of Karlsruhe.

New Edition of Metropol.x out now!
New Edition of Metropol.x out now!

The results of the seminar Metropol.x_Brussels present different facets of the Belgium capital. Causes and symptoms of segregation in Molenbeek, the importance of the Expo on the transportation infrastructure and the food culture are only some of the various topics that are discussed in individual maps, elaborated by the students. The booklet is available at the chair.

Picture of the ISTB Offices with writing across saying: Open Position as academic assistant (E13 50%) starting September 2024
Open Position at ISTB!

We are seeking a person for completing our team! The position as academic assistant (E13, 50 %) is responsible for teaching in the BA and MA programme of architecture and contributes to the research projects of the chair. If you hold a MA degree in architecture, urban or landscape planning or sociology with strong relation to urban design, have excellent design skills and are passionate about interdisciplinary work we are happy to receive your application as a PDF file, size max 10 MB, not later than June 20th (to be sent to  Foreseen start is September 15th, and the contract is first limited to one year.

Poster Living Lab `The Green Superblock´
Living Lab ‚The Green Superblock‘ opens in Tbilisi

On May 25th our Living Lab will open in Tbilisi. Together with our partners, Ilia State University from Tbilisi and Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture we will establish an experimental dialogue in order to discuss the possibilities how to improve the living environment in the neighborhood of the Vazha-Pshavela Block VI.

For more information visit

More ...
Website under construction

Over the next couple of weeks you will see some changes around the website as we are rearranging our content. While we are trying to make those changes unnoticeable in the backend, we want to apologize in advance if you have trouble finding what you are looking for. Thank you for your patience!

Studierende diskutieren vor Postern die Ergebnisse der Seminarwoche
Seminarwoche: "Critical Mapping Karlsruhe"

During the seminar week, special places in Karlsruhe were tracked down, their intrinsic logics perceived, researched and noted, and spatial, political, ephemeral, sometimes invisible phenomena highlighted. On daily field trips to different parts of the city we discovered the various characteristics and translated them into subjective mappings of the city while simultaneously discovering the cities built history. 

Course program summer semester 2024 now online!

The courses for the upcoming semester are online as of today. Here you can view the scheduled events and find the link to the corresponding Ilias course content.

Foto Semesterstart
Welcome to the summer semester 2024!

Welcome to the start of the summer semester 2024. We wish all students a good start to the new semester and look forward to your designs, new impulses and ideas as well as an exciting exchange with you!

Walkability in Tehran
Walkability in Tehran – Oral Exam of Doctoral Thesis

On June 6th Niku Khaleghi has very successfully presented her doctoral thesis „Assessing the Walkability of Tehran Organic Street Network Based on the Networks Form“. The dissertation evaluates the diverse street patterns in the Iranian capital with regard to the cultural, spatial and geographical conditions specific characteristics that significantly influence walkability. The research addresses a worldwide relevant topic as important prerequisite for sustainable urban development, which in the context of Iran and many other cities in the Middle East still is in the shadow of the scientific debate and planning policies. Congratulations, Dr. Khaleghi!

MetropolX_Lviv Cover
Metropol.X: Lviv

This publication is the result of a seminar, which took place in the "Remote Lab of Urban Planning“, elaborated by students of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. It focuses on different facets of Lviv, Ukraine, in times of crisis. Now available at our chair during opening hours!

Large Housing Estates Titel
Large Housing Estates under Socialism

The book „Large Housing Estates under Socialism“ by Barbara Engel and Nikolas Rogge is now available via open access. Harnessing large urban housing estates in former socialist countries as a resource for the future housing supply requires innovative and practicable strategies and concepts. The contributors present experiences and perspectives from different disciplines on sustainable development of mass housing districts, both in academia and practice.

Find it here
Metropol.X: Kyiv

The booklet is the result of a seminar, which took place in the "Remote Lab of Urban Planning“, elaborated by students of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. It focuses on different facets of the Ukrainian capital in times of crisis. Now available at our chair during opening hours!