
SAVE THE DATE! Urban Transformation – Connecting Urban Sustainablity Labs

The conference will take place in Karlsruhe from October 15-17th, 2025, as part of the 200th anniversary celebrations of the KIT and the Science Week "City of the Future", is aimed at both academics and practitioners. If you are interested, please submit your abstract by February 17th.

Metropol.X: Kharkiv

The results of the seminar Metropol.x_Kharkiv present different facets of the Ukrainian city, right at the border with Russia. It is the second-largest city in Ukraine with a population of about two million, before Russia´s war of aggression broke out. As one of the most important scientific, industrial, trade, and transportation centers of Ukraine, Kharkiv has played a significant role in the nation’s history. The booklet is available at the chair.

Sharif VortragSharif S. Kahatt
Collective Housing as social Infrastructure. The architecture of neighborhood units in Lima

Guest Lecture: Sharif S. Kahatt

Thursday, January 23, 17:30 at “Grüne Grotte”, KIT, Fakultät für Architektur, Englerstr. 7, Karlsruhe, Professur Bau- und Architekturgeschichte / Professur Internationaler Städtebau.


Season's Greetings & Happy New Year!

Stegreif - Weniger und Mehr! 18.12.24 - 13.01.25

Um Emissionen zu reduzieren und Ressourcen zu schonen, ist es erforderlich, Stadtplanung an der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie der Suffizienz auszurichten und zu überlegen, wie weniger genug sein kann. Einfachheit und Verzicht müssen dabei keineswegs eine ärmere Gestaltung oder weniger qualitätvolle Stadträume bedeuten, sondern bieten Potenzial für lebenswerte und alltagstaugliche Quartiere. Im Rahmen des Stegreifs soll ein städtebauliches Konzept für ein nutzungsgemischtes Quartier mit hochwertigen Freiräumen erarbeitet werden.

Opening Exhibition Studio Freiburg December 13th at Architekturforum Freiburg

What does the future of Freiburg‘s city center look like? How can it be better connected with the neighboring urban spaces - spatially and functionally? What measures can be taken to adapt the city center to the climate transition? Students from the Chair of International Urban Planning and Design and the Institute of Transportation addressed these questions in the summer semester 2024. In cooperation with the city of Freiburg, they developed forward-looking and experimental design approaches with new programmatic and traffic planning perspectives.

Basler Thesen
Basel Theses published!


How can we make better use of universities as resources for a transformative planning culture?

This was the subject of discussions at a conference in Basel this spring, as part and continuation of the 8th University Day - the result is the publication of the Basel Theses, which set out approaches for teaching and research. The print version is now available at the Chair.

Trilateral Urban Design Workshop in Prishtina

The master students of the design studio Transform for Resilience: Civic Infrastructure in Matiçan, Prishtina, are currently participating in an urban design workshop in Kosovo with students from Prishtina and Odessa. During the intense one-week workshop and excursion, they will conduct on-site analysis and work on preliminary design concepts for the district Matiçan, which has been undergoing rapid and uncontrolled development in the last 15 years.

Study Award for Malik Al Bosta


Malik Al Bosta received a grant from the Ruth and Erich Rossmann Foundation for his master's thesis “Informal Urbanism,” which he completed in SS 2023. The prize supports outstanding graduates for further study or participation in a workshop abroad. Malik will attend a summer school at the AA School of Architecture, UK. We warmly congratulate!

  Echoes of Soviet Urbanism
Echoes of Soviet Urbanism. Exploring Modernist Narratives

The book presents 13 ‚district stories’ from seven post-Soviet countries, written by experts from a variety of disciplines, including architecture, urban and regional planning, public policy and social sciences, and human geography. The authors take a critical look at various aspects and discuss the housing heritage from different perspectives. They present observations of spatial, social, and functional transformations as well as of the formal and informal frameworks, planning strategies, and concepts that lie behind the physical development.

Welcome to the new fall semester 24/25!

As of today, the courses for the upcoming semester are online. Here, you can view the scheduled events and find the link to the corresponding ILIAS course. We are looking forward to meeting you at the one or other class and wish you a good start in the new academic year!

Modern Housing Postwar – Cities of Tomorrow?

On the occasion of “60 years of Halle-Neustadt,” an ETOM NEB Lab Milestone-Conference in the framework of the “New European Bauhaus” with a focus on Modern Housing postwar in Central Europe took place in Halle on October 14/15. The chair ISTB contributed wiht a report, presenting nsights from its currently running living lab in Tbilisi.

Residential Heritage: Soviet Morphotypes and Typologies

From October 8th to November 12th, the exhibition “Residential Heritage: Soviet Morphotypes and Typologies” can be seen at BHROX bauhaus reuse, Ernst-Reuter-Platz in Berlin. The exhibition, which was developed as part of the research project “cities.building.culture”, shows the Soviet residential heritage in its various urban and typological forms – from 12 districts in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

Ukrain_digital_24Babentsova, Verbovetska
Transformative Cities Fall 2024 – Remote Lab of Urban Planning

We are welcoming our new partners at the Remote Lab of Urban Planning – the National Aviation University, Lviv National Polytechnic University, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv! The project, funded by DAAD, was launched in 2022 as cooperation between Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. This online lab offers students from Ukraine a unique educational experience – in the upcoming fall semester with a focus on urban resilience and urban transformation in Eastern Europe.

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Final presentation studio context
Studio Context : Final presentation

Congratulations on the successful presentation of the BA 4 Studio Context. Our thanks for the support as guest critic go to SaeBom Song, who enriched the discussion with interesting perspectives. The students‘ projects offer innovative design concepts to three sites in Heilbronn dealing with the challenges of planning within existing urban textures.

Bild VL BA4
Panel discussion 10th of July

As part of the lecture "Reading the city. Shaping the city", guests were invited to a round table discussion at the end of the semester. Nadine Georgi from Planschmiede Hansert & Partner, Markus Kaltenbach from berchtoldkrass space & options and Felix Maier from the Regionalverband Mittlerer Oberrhein discussed the current challenges in urban planning. They provided valuable insights into everyday planning from very different perspectives - thank you very much!

Soviet Barbara Engel
Soviet Heritage in Times of Multiple Crises

We are happy and proud to announce that our application “cities. building. culture. The Residential Heritage of the Soviet Union in Times of Multiple Crises” was accepted by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research! Together with GVZO Leipzig and RWTH Aachen University and our international partners we will develop approaches for a resilient, sustainable urban development in Ukraine, the Caucasus and the Baltic States – from October 2024 onwards for the duration of 3 years.

DASLPS Schmidt
Executive Board of DASL in Karlsruhe

The executive board of the German Academy for Urban Development and Regional Planning (DASL) met  in Karlsruhe on June 14th and 15th. The agenda included the exchange of information about the activities of the local groups and institutes as well as discussion of the further development of the DASL, including scientific orientation and internationalization. The meeting was rounded off with a walk around the city of Karlsruhe.

New Edition of Metropol.x out now!
Metropol.X: Brussels

The results of the seminar Metropol.x_Brussels present different facets of the Belgium capital. Causes and symptoms of segregation in Molenbeek, the importance of the Expo on the transportation infrastructure and the food culture are only some of the various topics that are discussed in individual maps, elaborated by the students. The booklet is available at the chair.

More ...
Poster Living Lab `The Green Superblock´
Living Lab ‚The Green Superblock‘ opens in Tbilisi

On May 25th our Living Lab will open in Tbilisi. Together with our partners, Ilia State University from Tbilisi and Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture we will establish an experimental dialogue in order to discuss the possibilities how to improve the living environment in the neighborhood of the Vazha-Pshavela Block VI.

For more information visit

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Website under construction

Over the next couple of weeks you will see some changes around the website as we are rearranging our content. While we are trying to make those changes unnoticeable in the backend, we want to apologize in advance if you have trouble finding what you are looking for. Thank you for your patience!

Second Review Studio Context

On June 18th, the second mid-term presentation of the urban design studio „Context“ in Heilbronn took place. The students displayed their conceptual approaches, discussed the suggested goals, and presented their first design ideas. We are grateful to our guest reviewer, landscape architect Jan Dieterle, for his valuable critiques and are looking forward to seeing the studio's final results. 

ISTB Threshold Talks - opening talk

We want to establish a new series of inter disciplinary discussions about how we teach, learn, design, acknowledge, and live in the ever-changing urban landscape. The format is an open invitation for everyone wishing to discuss the city. At changing intervals, discussions will occur where each talk sets the theme for the following. The first session will be held on Tuesday, the 12th of December, in room 107 at building number 11.40 (ISTB offices).

Field trip
Field Trip Tbilisi

The students of this semester's Design Studio are currently working in teams together with students from Odessa and Tbilisi on a 5-Day workshop at Ilia State University in Tbilisi. Besides visiting the design site they are meeting local professionals to hear from their unique perspective and are now challenged to develop concepts for a possible future development of a soviet modernist neighborhood.

Ausstellung Lahr

The student projects from the BA 4th semester will be exhibited on Rathausplatz in Lahr from 10.11. to 26.11.2023. The task for the students was to develop proposals for the transformation of three areas that fit into the context and create a variety of uses and urban density. How can buildings be responsibly converted, repurposed and redensified? What opportunities for mixing uses are conceivable and appropriate? The results demonstrate experimental design approaches with new programmatic and typological perspectives.

Semesterplakat WS 23/24
Course program winter semester 23/24 now online!

The courses for the upcoming semesters are online as of today. Here you can view the scheduled events and find the link to the corresponding Ilias course content.

MA PinUpIacopi, Hehnen, Kuester, Huang
Pin-Up II - MA Studio

The master students currently enrolled in our urban studio presented their current work’s status in the second mid term presentation. The evaluation of the analysis and excursion to Tel Aviv resulted in various approximations of the heterotopian urban landscape of the planning area which in turn led to different strategic approaches and conceptual ideas. As part of our productive cooperation with the city, we were joined via zoom by architects Avia Ben-Yakar and Alon Matos, head planning coordinators in the urban planning department of Tel Aviv-Yafo, who provided the students with additional professional feedback and valuable insights for the design steps ahead.

BA Studio Pin Up
Pin-Up II - BA Studio

The next milestone was reached in the studio: the 2nd pin-up was successfully completed by the students. Between conclusions of the analysis and creative solutions for the urban transformations in Lahr, different approaches were chosen. Many thanks to Wolfgang Borgards from K9 Architekten in Freiburg for his support as guest critic. We are looking forward to the further elaboration of the projects!

Seminarwoche 2023 - Best of

We want to change the world. Roughly speaking.

During the seminar week, we reflected together: How can we actually change the world? By dreaming and courageously thinking ahead, we can sketch utopias as well as dystopias. We can also get involved in political debates, get loud, demonstrate and make ourselves heard, get involved in existing initiatives or create - there are numerous possibilities. The results the students came up with can be found here …

Group of students at the shore in Tel Aviv
Greetings from Tel Aviv

As part of our cooperative urban design studio “Manshiya-Heterotopias”, students from the Chair for International Urban Planning and the Institute for Transport Studies are taking part in an eight days excursion to Tel Aviv, Israel. Besides exploring the design site, we meet local urban and mobility planners, architects, urban activists, and NGO representatives. Amongst others, we discussed current urban renewal projects in the city with local players, like the recent opening of the first light train line in the city, and the gentrification of slums neighborhoods. We are gathering first-hand information and formulating an overview of the planning complexity that can be sensed currently in almost every corner of this multifaceted city on the Mediterranean shore.

Large Housing Estates Titel
Large Housing Estates under Socialism

The book „Large Housing Estates under Socialism“ by Barbara Engel and Nikolas Rogge is now available via open access. Harnessing large urban housing estates in former socialist countries as a resource for the future housing supply requires innovative and practicable strategies and concepts. The contributors present experiences and perspectives from different disciplines on sustainable development of mass housing districts, both in academia and practice.

Find it here
Stegreif City Concepting

Unser Stegreif im Sommersemester: City concepting in 3 minutes

Überzeugende Entwürfe brauchen keine langen Erläuterungen, sondern lassen sich im Kern kurz und prägnant in Skizzenform und mit wenigen Worten erklären. Für die Überzeugung der Mitglieder des Planungsausschusses haben Sie genau 5 Karteikarten Platz und 3 Minuten Zeit.

masterarbeit gruppenfoto
Congratulations to our successful Graduate!

We congratulate Frederik Johann on a very successful master's degree! His thesis "City and Water - Concepts for a Resilient Neighborhood in Paris" addresses the highly relevant issue of increasing heavy rainfall events and their consequences for sealed urban spaces. He has analysed flood protection concepts in various cities and, based on this, developed solutions for water-resilient neighborhoods. In Ivry-sur-Seine he finds a very subtle, natural-looking way of dealing with the existing buildings. There are innovative symbioses of different uses and unexpected experiences of special landscapes. The work is not only a valuable contribution to building on the water and with the water, but also to continue to build, to sensibly rebuild, and supplement existing neighborhoods - a contribution to sustainable urban development that is not only water-resistant but also armed against other crises.

Coastline of Tel Aviv with text layover saying: MA Studio Manshiya-Heterotopias Tel Aviv info event
Manshiya-Heterotopias Excursion to Tel Aviv

An online event with further information regarding the planned excursion to Tel Aviv will be held today, Tuesday, April 11th, at 6:00 PM. All interested are invited to join.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Lehrveranstaltungen Sommersemester 2023
Course program summer semester 23 now online

The courses for the upcoming semesters are online as of today. Here you can view the scheduled events and find the link to the corresponding Ilias course content.

Remote Lab of Urban Planning

The second Remote Lab of Urban Planning, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), has started. Based on the successful cooperation in 2022, new collaborative teaching activities will take place in 2023. Thematic focus is the built heritage. The offered courses include a series of lectures, the seminar „Metropol.x_Lyiv“ and a design class. On March 3rd, Prof. Dr. Halyna Petryshyn, head of the Department of Urban Planning at Lviv Polytechnic National University, joined the seminar with a guest lecture about the historical evolution, current urban-planning situation, and perspectives for the further development of Lviv city.

War in Ukraine - prospects for the interdisciplinary post-Soviet urban research

International Symposium & Workshop, 22-24 Feb. 2023

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine affects interdisciplinary post- Soviet and post-socialist/Eastern European urban research. As an international academic community researching in this context, we have perceived these events as highly critical, which urged us to initiate a platform for identifying short- and medium-term research perspectives and exploring new possibilities for research dialogue with colleagues from the post-Soviet and post-socialist/Eastern European space. The symposium supported by the Volkswagen Foundation, aims to offer a constructive and open atmosphere to reflect on and systematize the consequences of the current developments for interdisciplinary urban research related to Eastern Europe.

Metropol. X Tel Aviv
Now available: Metropol. X Tel Aviv

Tel Avis’s development presents a multifaceted story: This booklet examines the different urban layers of the city and the way they reflect the social, cultural, and economic structure of Israeli society in one of the most expensive cities to live in.

Now available at our institute!

See all publications
Welcome Hannam University
Welcome Hannam University!

Our guests from Korea have arrived in Karlsruhe!

The professors and students of Hannam University in Daejeon, South Korea will join us in an international design workshop. We are looking forward to spending the upcoming weekend with them and hope that they will enjoy their time in Germany. Welcome to Karlsruhe! We are happy to have you!

Guest Lecture Korea
The Duality of East Asian Urbanism

Friday, January 13th, 18:30 o’clock at Grüne Grotte

We are thrilled to announce Professor Han Pilwon is holding a lecture on Korean urbanism as part of our Cooperation with Hannam University. The lecture will be the kick-off event of the visit of our korean colleagues here in Karlsruhe. Afterwards we will be having a German-Korean evening with impressions of the excursion to South Korea.

Stegreif: 13.-16. Januar 2023 - Apply NOW!

Workshop with Hannam University South Korea

The task is the individual interpretation of public spaces in Karlsruhe. You should demonstrate the spatial qualities and atmospheres, whether with sketches, collages, models or videos. The Stegreif will be organized as a workshop in cooperation with students from South Korea.

If you are interested, please send an email not later than Friday, December 16th to
Remote Lab of Urban Planning and Design

The Remote Lab of Urban Planning and Design “Resilient Cities” has launched! Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) an online teaching cooperation with Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (OSACEA) is organized for BA and MA students of OSACEA. In focus of the teaching program in fall semester are several aspects of urban resilience, which are reflected in different courses, such as a lecture, a seminar, and a design class, guided by a KIT-OSCACEA team of international teachers.

Website Förderpreis
Wettbewerb gestartet! Student:innen Förderpreis 2023

Zum 22. Mal lobt der BDB den "Student:innen Förderpreis“ aus, um Studierenden eine besondere Plattform zu bieten. Prämiert werden studentische Arbeiten in den Bereichen Gebäude, Konstruktion, Ingenieurbauwerke und Städtebauliche Planungen, die beispielhafte und nachhaltige Lösungen für die Entwicklung des Bauens unserer Zeit aufzeigen. Der Preis ist auf 5.200 Euro dotiert. Einreichungen eurer Arbeiten sind noch bis zum 31.März 2023 online auf der BDB-Website möglich!

Link zur Website
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Masterabschluss!

Die Masterarbeiten des SS 22 „X-Change Tegel-West“ von Maren Hentschel und „Arbeit/s/Landschaft“ von Nadine Georgi haben sich mit den aktuellen Zukunftstrends und den sich daraus ergebenden Anforderungen an Stadt- und Landräume auseinandergesetzt. Wie können räumliche Angebote für den Austausch aller Stadtbewohner:innen der Wissensgesellschaft geschaffen werden?

PhD School „Heritage at Home“

PhD School „Heritage at Home“, taking place September 26-30. online. The conference discusses interdisciplinary perspectives on the heritage of residential disctricts in the post-socialist / Soviet cities.

open lab aktuellesAnnette Gerteiser / Paulina Hipp
Jetzt informieren!

Gegenstand des Open Labs sind freie Entwurfsarbeiten zu verschiedenen Themenfeldern. Die Aufgabenstellungen zu einem Thema mit Stadtbezug sind frei wählbar oder könnn im Rahmen von Themenfeldern der Professur formuliert werden...

Daegu WorkshopHonghwan Lee
Workshop Results + Field Trip

The South Korean city of Daegu has set itself ambitious goals for its future development and has launched a student competition in which several universities from South Korea and KIT students are participating. Forward-looking urban planning concepts…

Abflug nach Daegu!

Die Studierenden des Master-Studios sind heute mit uns Richtung Daegu aufgebrochen. Zwölf Stunden Flug liegen zwischen Karlsruhe und dem Flughafen Incheon in der Metropolregion Seoul, von wo wir mit dem Schnellzug weiter nach Daegu reisen werden...

EndpräsentationAnna Kuzyshyn
Studio Kontext Endpräsentation

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur erfolgreichen Abgabe des BA 4 Studios Kontext. Unser Dank für die Unterstützung als Gastkritiker geht an Landschaftsarchitekt Stefan Helleckes, der die Diskussion durch interessante Blickwinkel bereichert hat. Die zehn Projekte dieses Semester befassen sich mit Grundstücken neben der Bahntrasse an der Durlacher Allee, in Bulach und an der Stuttgarter Straße in Karlsruhe.

discuss oststadt
Zurückeroberung des öffentlichen Raumes

In Rahmen des Seminars “Discuss Oststadt. Rückeroberung des öffentlichen Raumes 2” sind in interdisziplinären Teams zwei Parklets gebaut worden. Die Bilder zeigen den Rundgang am 01.08.2022, der auch mit viel Begeisterung und Interesse von den Anwohnern...

Deh Vanak Teheran
Guest-Lecture by Iman Baratvakili

As part of a long-term partnership with Iran university of Science and Technology we gladly invite you to a lecture presenting the results of a two years research project on housing typologies in Tehran, Iran. The evening is organized in cooperation with Iman Baratvakili, who is ...

Korean Housing stark contrast
The Most Popular Housing in Metropolitan Cities

We are happy to announce that PhD candidate Hee Jae Lee will be joining us for tomorrows pinup of the Master Studio Regenerating Daegu. Afterwards he will be holding a lecture about the Korean Apartment Building and its skyrocketing popularity in metropolitan areas.

Diskussionsrunde zum Thema "Stadt lesen. Stadt gestalten"
Diskussionsrunde zur Stadtentwicklung Karlsruhe

Am 06. Juli diskutierten im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe „Stadt lesen. Stadt gestalten“ Prof. Dr. Anke Karmann-Woessner, Leiterin des Stadtplanungsamtes, Philipp Krass, Partner im Büro berchtoldkrass space & options, Karlsruhe und Philipp Staab, akademischer Mitarbeiter...


Gesprochene Sprache oder geschriebene Texte spielen im Berufsfeld von ArchitektInnen eine wichtige Rolle - dies sollte im Rahmen des Stegreifs „City Writing“ trainiert werden. 19 Studierende haben teilgenommen und ihre Story über Karlsruhe geschrieben...

welcome to karlsruhe
Welcome to Karlsruhe!

Frau Dr. Nadiia Antonenko, geb. 1987, Senior Lecturer an der Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, kommt für einen einjährigen Forschungsaufenthalt nach Karlsruhe. Sie wird im BMBF-Forschungsprojekt "cities. building. culture...

Metropol.X Daegu
Jetzt hier: Metropol.X Daegu Publication

Daegu ist nach nach Seoul, Incheon und Busan die viertgrößte Stadt Südkoreas. Sie liegt im Südosten des Landes und hat über 2,5 Millionen Einwohner. Dageu wurde historisch als „Apple City“ oder „Textile City“ bezeichnet ...

City Writing
MA Stegreif - Neuer Ausgabeort und Termin!

Der Termin für die Ausgabe der Aufgabe verschiebt sich auf den 23.05.2022 um 16:00 Uhr per Zoom. Der bisherige Ort und der Termin am 24.05.2022 sind daher für die Ausgabe nicht mehr gültig! Hier geht's direkt zum Meeting (Meeting-ID: 673 4129 3324 / Kenncode: 238198)

Produktives HeidelbergHannah Martin, Hannah Krug, Johanna Häuser, Frederik Busch
PIN UP 1 - BA Studio

Im Studio wurde der erste Meilenstein erreicht: Das 1. Pin-up wurde erfolgreich von den Studierenden absolviert. Die Probleme und Chancen der Gebiete wurden analysiert und erste kreative Ansätze für die Quartiere vorgestellt. Wir freuen uns auf die Ausarbeitung der Projekte! 

CBC Talks
From Socialist Planning to Investor Urbanism - Recent Revival of Socialism’s Abandoned Renewal Plans in Budapest

On May 24 at 18:00 (CET) Dr. Daniel Kiss will hold a lecture as part of our research project Cities Building Culture. Based on the case study of a deteriorated neighborhood’s protracted redevelopment in Budapest...

Daegu Thumbnail
2022 Daegu International Urban Design Workshop

Professor Han Yoel Baek and Sanghyun Lee from the Department of Urban Design at Hannam University in Daegu are holding a lecture today as part of this semesters Master Studio Regenerating Daegu. 

A very warm welcome to Karlsruhe!

Bild der Absolventinnen mit Herzlichen Glückwunsch BannerAnna Kuzyshyn, KIT
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Masterabschluss!

Die Masterarbeiten des WS 21/22 „ Orte der Integration“ von Alina Koger und „Stadt. Raum.Wissen“ von Pia Thissen haben sich mit aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen und den sich daraus ergebenden Anforderungen an Stadträume auseinandergesetzt...

Seiten aus Final Presentation Emara
Community Parks as Medium for Cultural Expression with reference to Cairo Egypt

Am 16. März verteidigte Mohammad Emara erfolgreich seine Dissertation „Community Parks as Medium for Cultural Expression with reference to Cairo Egypt". Die Arbeit leitet aus den kulturellen Besonderheiten der Gesellschaft  funktionale und gestalterische...

Exkursion Daegu
Regenerating Daegu – International Competition

Im kommenden Sommersemester bieten wir im Masterstudiengang ein Entwurfsstudio in Daegu an. Gefordert sind zukunftsweisende Ideen für ein industriell geprägtes Quartier im Spannungsfeld zwischen Bewahrung und Erneuerung. Der Entwurf findet im Rahmen...

Yekaterinburg Flyer
Call for Applications

Within the frame of our collaborative research project „cities.building.culture“ the Call for Applications for the PHD School on September 24th to October 2nd has been announced.

MA Entwurf Heidelberg
Entwurfspräsentation des Masterstudios „Produktives Heidelberg“, WS 21/22

Am 17.02. fand die Entwurfspräsentation des Masterstudios „Produktives Heidelberg“ statt. Gemeinsam mit Herrn Holger Hoffschröer von Reicher Haase Assoziierte und Herrn Andreas Menker vom Stadtplanungsamt Heidelberg wurden 7 Projektarbeiten von...

Titelbild OststadtSeminar
Seminar "Discuss Oststadt"

Am 4. Januar fand die Präsentation der Ergebnisse des Seminars „Discuss Oststadt“ statt. Unter anderem mit Gästen des Bürgervereins und dem Stadtplanungsamt Karlsruhe wurden die Ideen in einer Schlussdiskussion besprochen und den Studierenden neue Anregungen zur Weiterentwicklung der Projekte gegeben...

Round Table
Conference Knowledge Needs Space

On January, 28th/29th, took place the Conference “Knowledge needs Space. Challenges and Perspectives of Future Living Environment“ – with inspiring reports and vibrant discussions. We would like to thank all speakers and participants for their valuable contributions!

Metropol X Beirut Cover
Metropol.X: Beriut

Beirut, 5000-year-old layered city, had been built, rebuilt, and redefined over the centuries by the flow of goods, people and ideas. In 1920, Beirut became the capital of Greater Lebanon under French mandate, and in 1943, that of the independent...

Endabgabe produktives Heidelberg
Endabgabe Produktives Heidelberg

Am Donnerstag, den 17.02., findet die Endabgabe des Masterentwurfs „Produktives Heidelberg – Gewerbegebiete in der Transformation“ statt. Gastkritiker sind Holger Hoffschröer vom Planungsbüro RHA Reicher Haase Assoziierte GmbH und Andreas Menker, Stadtplanungsamt Heidelberg, Abteilung Städtebau und Konversion.

Dreisam Boulevard
Dreisam Boulevard: Ausstellung der studentischen Arbeiten

Zeitraum: Mo 20.09. - Sa 25.09.21
Eröffnung: Mo 20.09.21, 18:00 Uhr
Ort: Zentrum Oberwiehre (ZO) Freiburg

Den Flyer zur Ausstellung finden Sie hier

Zum Flyer...
Mitarbeiter gesucht
Akademische*r Mitarbeiter*in (50%) gesucht

Die Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier


Die Bewerbung bitte bis zum 20.06.2021 als PDF per Mail (max. 10 MB) an

Zur Stellenausschreibung...
HIWI gesucht

Conference Dialogue on Large Housing Estate
Conference Dialogue on Large Housing Estates

Apply Now Submission of Abstracts till January 31st 2021

City Concepting
MA Stegreif: City Concepting - Ergebnisse

Prägnante Ideen und klare Konzepte zu entwickeln, sind grundlegend für die erfolgreiche Entwurfsarbeit in der Architektur und im Städtebau. Im Rahmen des Stegreifs soll die konzeptionelle Entwurfsarbeit trainiert werden.

Metropol.X: Odessa

Large settlements from the 1960s and 70s pose both more qualities and problems than apparent on first eyesight. The political and economic system, the state socialism, had a huge impact on the appearance, structure and urban and spatial qualities...

Metropol.X: Odessa

Odessa, with over one million inhabitants, is one of the most prominent cities of the Ukraine. Directly located at the north west coast of the Black Sea it is the main administrative, cultural and trade centre of the Odessa Oblast and has been a...

Stegreif City Concepting: Präsentation der Ergebnisse

Stegreif Präsentation am 09.12. um 15:00


Meeting-ID: 675 9693 3682
Kenncode: 439308

24h im Leben eines Freiraums: Gastvortrag

Gastvortrag am Mittwoch, 02.12.2020, 12:00 Uhr.


Zugangsdaten per Mail anfordern:

City Concepting
MA Stegreif: City Concepting

Ausgabe: 24.11.2020, 14.00, Zoom
Zoom-Meeting-ID: 657 7387 3247, ohne Passwort 


Abgabe: 08.12.2020, bis 16.00 auf ILIAS hochladen
Präsentation: 09.12.2020, 15.00, Geb. 11.40, Tulla-Halle / oder ggf. online 


Anmelden auf ILIAS

Gesamtinfo Lehrprogramm WS 20-21
Gesamtinformation des Lehrprogramms WS 20/21

Die Informationen sind hier verfügbar.

ISTB Konsultation 2020
ISTB Konsultation am 20.10.2020

Konsultation zu sämtlichen Lehrveranstaltungen der Professur Internationaler Städtebau findet am Di, 20.10.2020, 17 Uhr über ZOOM statt.

Stegreif Ergebnisse
Ergebnisse des Stegreifs: City Concepting - in Corona Zeiten

„Ein Tag im Leben von…” kartiert das tägliche Leben und die Nutzung des Stadtraums in zwei unterschiedlichen Realitäten: vor und während der Corona-Zeit.

Stegreif: City Concepting - in Corona Zeiten

Prägnante Ideen und klare Konzepte zu entwickeln, sind grundlegend für die erfolgreiche Entwurfsarbeit in der Architektur und im Städtebau. Im Rahmen des Stegreifs soll die konzeptionelle Entwurfsarbeit trainiert werden.

44 neu
Workshop und MA Studio FUTURE LIVING: DAEGU 2035+ wurden verschoben

Heutiger Termin entfällt, weitere Informationen folgen.

Masterarbeit WS 2019 /20ists-kit
Akademische/n Mitarbeiter/in gesucht

Für die Mitarbeit in Lehre und Forschung, die Konzeption und Betreuung von Entwürfen, Übungen und Projekten, sowie Seminaren im BA und MA suchen wir ab dem 01.08.2020 eine neue Kollegin, einen neunen Kollegen.


Mass Housing in the Socialist Cities

Mass housing in Germany, Russia, and Ukraine represents an enormous volume of housing today and therefore a huge resource for the future development of cities. But transformation of these prefabricated districts from the 1960s and 1970s is needed...

Vortrag: Eric Firley Zwischen Zyklus und Linearität

Städtebau als ein wiederkehrendes Muster der Innovation

Tehran Excursion

Informationstreffen 30. Mai 

Master Konsultation


23.05.2017 17:30Uhr  

Geb 11.40 // R009

Winteruni Baikal 2016
Baikal Winteruni 2016


St. Petersburg Workshop
St. Petersburg

Workshop und Exkursion 

news icon conference irkutsk
Urban Mobility in Russian cities


22nd / 23rd September

Irkutsk, Russia


stegreif beirut
hotspot: green line

Stegreif Beirut

Diplom / Master 

space hacking
Space Hacking

International Summer School

4 – 9 August 2014, Brno, Czech Republic 

urban affairs
Urban Affairs

Perspektiven internationaler Stadtentwicklung

Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Dr. Barbara Engel 

studienaufenthalt irkutsk
Studienaufenthalt Irkutsk 2015

 3-5 monatiger Studienaufenthalt in Russland 

Diplom potsdam
Diplom Potsdam

Identität durch Imitat? 

Freies Diplom
Freies Diplomthema

Wettbewerb Kaliningrad


14.01.14 um 17 Uhr 


Vortag am 07.11.13 im Rahmen des Metropolenseminars 


zur Städtebauvertiefung am 04.11.13

Winteruni Baikal
Winteruni Baikal

30.01. - 24.02.2014. Jetzt bewerben und teilnehmen!

Architecture and Urbanism after Crisis
New Babylon - Architecture and Urbanism after Crisis

Internationales Symposium vom 31.01. - 01.02.2013 am KIT in Karlsruhe.

Istanbul Exkursion

Im Rahmen des Studios Re-Thinking TokIstanbul organisierte das stba eine einwöchige Exkursion nach Istanbul.

Made for Marxloh

Wanderausstellung „Made for Marxloh“ eröffnet am 11. Juni 2012 in Duisburg
Mit finanzieller Unterstützung durch die „Immeo Wohnen“ konnte ...

Logistische Landschaften

Podiumsdiskussion mit Alex Wall am 3. Mai 2012
Das Fachgebiet Architektur- theorie des KIT veranstaltet eine Podiumsdiskussion mit Gästen. ...

stba international

Ausstellung 19.04.12 bis 02.05.12


A new religiosity, a new middle class and a new town

Gastvortrag Ayse Cavdar, Istanbul.
