


Moran Lev: Chaos at the Edge. Changes of Urban Hybridity in Postwar Modernist Housing Projects in Frankfurt. since October 2023

Ekaterina Gladkova. Spatial Transformation of Open Spaces in Mass housing districts in Russia and Uzbekistan on Examples of prefabricated settlements of the 1960-80s in Irkutsk and Tashkent. since March 2023

Marina Sapunova. Property, Power and Planning in Urban Renewal
Policies and Practices for Modern Heritage: between Heritage-led and Private-led Transformation
. since March 2023

Muhamet Spahiu. Urban Transformation in Pristina after the war, 1999–2022. since July 2022

Hee Jae Lee. Korean Models of Micro-living and Urban Sharing Space. since May 2022

Iman Baratvakili. Exploring the strategies in transportation infrastructure through urban planning to prevent cyber-attacks. A case study in Berlin. since June 2020

Quixin Li. Forschung über neue ländliche, regional angepasste Gestaltung in der Provinz Shandong im Rahmen der ländlichen Revitalisierungsstrategie Chinas. since June 2019

Nikolas Rogge. Morphologische Transformationen öffentlicher Räume der ostdeutschen Großwohnsiedlungen der 1960er, 1970er und 1980er Jahre. since Feb 2019

Reza Nejadi-Salami. Walkability in urban housing environments of modern Tehran. since February 2014​










Niku Khaleghi. Human-Oriented Urban Public Spaces Design with the Concern of Public Life Improvement in Historic Core of Tehran. Secon Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Behnaz Aminzadeh Gohar. Exam: 06.06.2024

Iuliia Frantseva. Strategies for revitalization in mass housing areas in post-soviet Ukraine. Second Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Alexander Bouryak. Exam: 12.02.24

Mohammed Emara. An analytical investigation to the role of urban parks as a medium for cultural expression. Second Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Sherif El-Fiki, Arab Academy for Science & Technology, Cairo. Exam: 16.03.22

Muhammad Eldaidamony. Introducing a New Methodology to Deal with Gentrification in Urban Neighborhoods. Case Study of Fatmid Cairo and Heliopolis
Second Reviewer: Prof. Abeer Mohamed Elshater, Exam: 17.09.2020

Anastasia Malko. Stadterneuerung als Mittel der Bewahrung und Weiterentwicklung historischer Stadtzentren. Strategien, Methoden und Instrumente der deutschen Praxis am Beispiel von Dresden und ihre Übertragbarkeit auf Irkutsk
First Reviewer: Prof. Thomas Will, Technische Universität Dresden. Exam: 08. Mai 2017