Urban Transformation – Connecting Urban Sustainablity Labs

The conference “Urban Transformation – Connecting Urban Sustainablity Labs” will take place in Karlsruhe from October 15–17th, 2025, and is aimed at both academics and practitioners. It will take place as part of the 200th anniversary celebrations of the KIT and the Science Week “City of the Future”.
Outstanding urban real-world labs / urban transition labs from Europe and all around the world, which develop cities and regions in an alliance of science and practice for a sustainable future, will present themselves and network in order to learn from each other.
Furthermore, in a special Young Academics Track current research, which are relevant for the sustainable development of cities and related labs, will be presented by doctoral candidates and young scientists and discussed, not least in order to provide professional impetus for further work in real-world labs. If you are interested, please submit your abstract by February 17th. Accepted papers will be published Open Access with DOI by KIT-Verlag.
The topics for the Young Academics Track:
• Climate Protection and Adaptation
• Mobility and Urban Space
• Resources, Building, and Construction
• Water and Urban Ecology
• Energy and Digitalization
• Urban Governance and Planning
Further information on the conference can be found (provisionally) here: https://indico.scc.kit.edu/e/urbantransformation
And on the call for papers here: https://indico.scc.kit.edu/event/4745/abstracts/