Aktuell: Unloved heritage “socialist city” ?

Trilateral Partnerships - Cooperation Projects between Scholars and Scientist from Ukraine, Russia and Germany
Duration : June 2016 – September 2018
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the determinants of urban development in the former Soviet-bloc countries changed profoundly. The political, economic, and societal transformation in the states of Eastern Europe is still ongoing, also in cities in Germany, Russia, and the Ukraine. Buildings of residential districts established in the 1960s and 1970s in particular have to be subjected to an adequate further development. Procedures for dealing with large settlements in the states of the former Soviet bloc are of crucial importance to both urban development in these countries and future housing of large parts of the population, as it is here, where millions of people live. The transformation processes are complicated, they take place on the levels of housing and urban development policy, municipal and housing management, and fundamental living and housing conditions of man.
Making these large settlements sustainable and viable for the future is a big and ambitious task. More than 60 years after the destructions of the Second World War and the dawn of the second modern period, it is time to unemotionally analyse the challenges faced by urban development in handling the buildings of post-war modernism without any prejudices and euphoria.
The project consists of three parts:
- Evaluation of best-practice examples in Germany (2016)
- Urban planning workshop in Ukraine (2017)
- Academic conference in Russia (2018)
The key element is the urban planning workshop in Ukraine in 2017 in Cheryonushki in Odessa, which was – like other cities of Sowjet Union - massively built up in the 1960-70s years. The outcomes of the workshop will be developed into planning concepts and strategies that could be used as a basis for the further development of cities. They will form a kind of operational framework for cities, along with recommendations for further action on an academic and political level.
The workshop will be prepared by means of a general evaluation of German best-practice examples and placed in a broader professional context during the conference that will follow. Furthermore, through the evaluation of the sample projects and the discussion of workshop and conference contributions, fundamental observations on the scope of large conurbations are expected.
The trilateral and interdisciplinary approach will allow the formulation of independent assessments from a single case study. With its various formats (excursions, round tables, conferences, workshops) it offers different platforms for the scientific discourse, the possibility of further professional training for young scientists and students, as well as transnational professional exchange with experts from practice and science.
Project partners in Russia and Ukraine:
- Irkutsk National Research Technical University
- Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
- Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering Architecture
- Kharkiv National University of Engineering and Architecture
Funded by:
International Conference Irkutsk

Technopark IrNITU
Conference Hall 216 (2nd floor)Igoshina Ul. 1A
Irkutsk, 664074
Participation is free of charge,
but registration is required. Please write to barbara engel ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and
Irkutsk National Research Technical University
in Cooperation with
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk